Judith Pratt, Writer

I write stories.
–I write them as plays.
–I write them as novels.

I’ve been an actor, director, theatre professor, journalist, and theatre reviewer. Writing plays and novels brings all those story-telling experiences together. .

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A Five-Part Bio

Theatre Critic

My plays have been produced in Ithaca, New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, Kansas City MO, Austin TX, and (I love this!) Cape Town South Africa. Most recently, Maize won the SciArts at Louisiana State University Playwriting Prize, 2019, was a semi-finalist for the 2019 Mach 33: Caltech/Pasadena Playhouse Festival of New Science-Driven Plays, and a 2019 TRU Play Reading Series Finalist.

A character in one of my plays (Chimera) had another story to tell—a story that wouldn’t fit on a stage without a zillion-dollar budget. So I wrote a novel, The Dry Country. You can find it on Amazon. The next novel, Siljeea Magic, has been published by Black Rose Writing and is also available on Amazon. A third novel, The Skill, is now in process.

Although much of my directing has been focused on new plays by local writers, I’ve directed The Mikado and Princess Ida for the Cornell Savoyards. As an actor, my most amazing experience was as Lethal Weapon in Holly Hughes’ The Lady Dick, directed by Lisa Kron. My most recent role was Flute/Thisbe in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The director cast the mechanicals as women over 50! We had way too much fun. 

I have taught theatre classes at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Ithaca College, and Wells College—acting, voice/movement, and theatre history. I have also taught workshops for Ithaca Opera, Ithaca Shakespeare, and the Hangar Theatre in Ithaca.

Theatre Critic:
From 1998 to 2004, I reviewed local and regional theatre for the Ithaca Journal.